The second reason why verses 36–44 refer to the immediate context of the coming in verses 30–31 is found in the natural antecedent. Verse 36 reads, “But as for that day and hour no one knows it—not even the angels in heaven—except the Father alone” (Matt 24:36). The immediate and natural antecedent of “that” day and hour can only be the coming of Christ found in Matthew 24:30–31. Not only is it the closest antecedent of a coming, but up to this point it is the only coming of Christ mentioned. The climax of Matthew 24 is the coming of Christ in verses 30–31 where he sends his angels to gather his elect. Therefore it makes sense why Jesus does not have to identify “that” because it is obvious what coming he is referring to. It violates fundamental interpretive principles to force “that” to refer, not only all the way back before verse 4, but make it refer to a pretribulational imminent coming that is no where mentioned in the passage!