Just as the first generation of the church witnessed many miracles, it is reasonable to think that God will also have the last generation of the church experience a spate of miracles in order to strengthen—and reward—the faithful during its worse time ever in tribulation, the great tribulation when Satan will seek to exterminate God’s church.
Since the faithful will not be able to buy or sell during this time, they will not be able to purchase food and water. The church will need to procure water and food themselves from nature. But don’t doubt that God will also miraculously provide water, food, and protection on occasions for his faithful people—making water and food come out of thin air. The same God that created the world out of nothing and the same God who fed five thousand men from a few loaves of bread and fish is the same God who will be present during the awful time of the Antichrist’s great tribulation.
But I believe it will be the faithful who will be blessed by such miraculous deeds of God. Those believers who have been taught all their life that they will be raptured before this awful time, will be the very ones who will be fretting over their faith. At a time when they should be edifying the church, they will be confused and vulnerable to Antichrist’s schemes.
However, those who have believed in Jesus’s end-time teachings and taken heed—and not written them off as “they do not apply to the church but only to Jewish tribulation saints”—will be rewarded with miraculous blessings.
Think about what I just said as you read the following excerpt from Corrie ten Boom’s The Hiding Place.
(h.t. Hawk)