Yesterday, CNN had a hit piece against Christians who believe in the rapture (I realize it is a hit piece on pretrib rapture theology, but the intent, in effect, is for all Christians who believe in Jesus’s return).
It is titled “For some Christians, ‘rapture anxiety’ can take a lifetime to heal.”
The article is something you would read in the Babylon Bee. But in today’s world where Christianity is demonized, the latest biblical teaching of Jesus’s glorious return is now considered “dangerous,” causing “rapture anxiety.”
Rapture . . . boo. No Rapture . . . yay. Ban books on the second coming of Jesus!
CNN just gave pastors another reason to continue to ignore Biblical prophecy, inducing fear of being sued by those claiming trauma from their teaching.
Actually, CNN may be on to something, because I admit I have some of this rapture anxiety, the fearful thought of the rapture occurring but being left behind with CNN broadcasts.