Every so often I like to link to articles that I have written in response to posttrib.
I do this for three reasons.
1. There are some out there that use the misleading and inaccurate hybrid label “Prewrath-Postrib,” or some version of it. Almost without exception when I investigate this interpreter’s view, they are traditionally post-trib, not prewrath. So it is misleading to incorporate the term “prewrath” into their label since prewrath has an established position. I am not sure if it is because prewrath is a growing popular view that they feel compelled to appropriate the term, or for some other reason. Nevertheless, be aware that it is not accurate to use that hybrid label.
2. There are always newcomers to bible prophecy, whether they are new or seasoned Christians. I want to provide them an accurate explanation and description between prewrath and posttrib. There are some similarities, but there are important differences that should be understood. The fact that both prewrath and posttrib believe the church will face the Antichrist hardly justifies conflating these two views. There are significant differences as the link above reveals. Certainly, prewrath and postrib share affinities with each other, just as pretrib and midtrib share affinities with each other, but no one would confuse pretrib with midtrib as a hybrid view.
3. From my experience, many posttribulationists have not considered the prewrath position. And for this reason, I point them to these replies, where they would likely not have otherwise encountered them reading pretrib literature.
Okay, that’s all. My main point is that seasoned Bible prophecy teachers should not be making this mistake of confusing or conflating prewrath with posttrib, because the prewrath position has been an established position for thirty years. In fact, it was first articulated in response to both posttrib and pretrib. Prewrath and posttrib teachers can work together on what we agree on, while at the same time recognizing that they are two distinct viewpoints.