(h.t. J.R.)
This is not unrelated to a similar trend that I see happening in Evangelicalism in recent years:
Evangelicals are also shunning talking about the second coming of Jesus.
Yes, you heard me right. We expect this in the dead mainline churches. But it is now happening in evangelical—even conservative evangelical—churches. Many are using platitudes to deflate fellow believers from having meaningful interaction about eschatology and what our Lord teaches concerning his return.
But this trend is not stopping there.
In some evangelical circles, you are considered divisive—even dangerous. Oh sure, you are allowed to give lip service to the second coming. But you are deemed suspect—a “troubler”—to the church and society if you have a passion for what the Bible teaches about biblical prophecy.
Don’t let them silence you. This does not mean, of course, you become nasty. Proclaim the truth when chances emerge; instill a passion in fellow believers; have Bible studies on this subject; and pray that God changes minds and hearts.
Satan desires the church to be vulnerable when his desolating-Antichrist minion appears.
Jesus desires the church to be prepared: “See, I have told you beforehand” (Matt 24:25).
Difficult times are coming upon us.